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We have renewed the webpage of “Important IP Judgment by Category”
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- Guidebook of the IP High Court
- Publications
- Intellectual Property Infringement Litigations and Recent Movement toward System Reforms
- Topics(from 2016)
- Topics(from 2005 to 2015)
- Two Expert Commissioners delivered lectures at the meeting of the IP Divisions Society for Study.
- Delegation of the American Intellectual Property Law Association visited the IP High Court.
- Chief Judge Shinohara Had a Talk with Newscaster Maoko Kotani.
- Justice of High Court of Australia Visited IP High Court.
- Judge Randall R. Rader of United States Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit and Other Distinguished Guests Visited IP High Court.
- Guests from Overseas
- Judge of the IP High Court Made a Speech at the University of Washington
- Malaysian Mission Visits IP High Court
- Judge of Patent Court of Korea Visits IP High Court
- Judges of IP High Court Participate in Fourth International Judges Conference on Intellectual Property Law
- Mansfield Fellow undergoes training at IP High Court
- Intellectual Property Workshop Held
- Delegation of German Chamber of Patent Attorneys Visits IP High Court
- Delegation of the American Intellectual Property Law Association Visits IP High Court
- Delegation from Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry of France Visits IP High Court
- Judges of IP High Court Participate in 14th Annual Conference on International Intellectual Property Law & Policy
- Delegation from PRC Visits IP High Court
- Judge of Tokyo District Court Attends International Conference at University of Washington
- Judge of IP High Court Participates in International Conference in PRC
- Delegation from PRC Visits IP High Court
- Delegation of American Intellectual Property Law Association Visit IP High Court
- Speeches by Judge of Tokyo District Court at International Conference in Brussels Made Public
- Judge of IP High Court Participate in 15th Annual Conference on International Intellectual Property Law & Policy
- Judge of Intellectual Property High Court Attends International Conference at University of Washington
- Judge Randall R. Rader of the Federal Circuit and Other Guests Visit IP High Court
- IP High Court Judge Participated in International Conferences at Fordham University (U.S.A.)
- Delegation of American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Visited IP High Court
- Judge of Intellectual Property High Court Attends International Conference at University of Washington
- Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Korea Visits IP High Court
- Vice President of Supreme Arbitration (Commercial) Court of Russian Federation Visits IP High Court
- Delegation from Intellectual Property Rights Tribunal of Higher People’s Court of Beijing Visits IP High Court
- Delegation of American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Visits IP High Court
- IP High Court Judge Attended International Conference in People's Republic of China
- IP High Court Judge's Participation in Summer Seminar on American Patent Law held at University of Washington, U.S.A.
- Courtesy Visit by Judge from District Court of Munich I
- Judge Randall R. Rader of Federal Circuit and Other Guests Visit IP High Court
- Vice President of the Supreme Arbitration (Commercial) Court of the Russian Federation Visits the IP High Court
- Participating in an international conference hosted by Fordham University in the U.S.
- Delegation of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Visits the IP High Court
- Visit by the Justice of the High Court of Australia
- IP High Court Judge's Participation in International Conference Hosted by the University of Washington
- Vice President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Visits the IP High Court
- Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Visits the IP High Court
- Delegation of the US Bar Association Visits the IP High Court
- Delegation of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Visits the IP High Court
- Judges of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, CAFC visited Japan and participated in the Joint Judicial Conference on Japan and U.S. Intellectual Property Rights
- President of the Federal Court of Justice of Germany Visits the IP High Court
- Delegation of the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Visits the IP High Court
- IP High Court Judge's Participation in an International Conference Hosted by Fordham University
- Minister of Law and Human Rights of Indonesia Visits the IP High Court
- IP High Court Judge's Participation in an International Conference Hosted by University of Washington
- IP High Court Judge’s Participation in an International Conference Hosted by Fordham University
- Visit by the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Delegation to the IP High Court
- Speeches Given at the Seminar Entitled “Current Situation and the Future of Intellectual Property Cases and Patent Systems in the United States and Japan” Hosted by AIPPI JAPAN
- Visit by International Students from the Overseas Study Program of the World Customs Organization (WCO) to the IP High Court
- Visit by the Research Group on Intellectual Property Strategy from the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the IP High Court
- Visit by the US Bar / JPO Liaison Council Delegation to the IP High Court
- Visit by Judge of the High Court of Delhi, India to the IP High Court
- Participation by IP High Court Judge in an International Conference Held at the University of Washington
- Visit by Vietnam IP Leadership Training Program Participants to the IP High Court
- Visit by JAUIP Seminar Participants to the IP High Court
- Visit by a Judge on the Federal Patent Court of Germany to the IP High Court
- Visit by Members of the Legislative Affairs Commission of China
- Visit by a Delegation from the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA)
- Visit by a Delegation from the German Patent Attorney Bar Association
- Visit by International Students from the Overseas Study Program of the World Customs Organization (WCO)
- Visit by Judge of the High Court of Delhi, India
- Visit by Presidential Council on Intellectual Property of Korea
- Meeting with Judge James Robart of the United States District Court
- IP High Court Chief Judge's Participation in International Conference Hosted by University of Washington
- USPTO IP High Court Chief Judge's Visit to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
- IP High Court Chief Judge's Visit to the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
- CAFC Meeting with Chief Circuit Judge Prost of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC)
- USITC IP High Court Chief Judge's Visit to the United States International Trade Commission (USITC)
- IP High Court Chief Judge's Visit to Federal Judicial Center
- 2014JAUIP Seminar Participants Visit the IP High Court
- 2014Fordham Judge's Participation in an International Conference Hosted by Fordham University
- IP High Court Judge's Participation in European Patent Judges' Symposium
- IBA IP High Court Chief Judge’s Participation in the 2014 IBA Conference in Tokyo
- the Federal Republic of Germany to the IP High Court
- Visit by Participants in Training Course on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights under the WIPO Funds-in-Trust/JAPAN
- IP High Court Judge's Participation in IP Seminar in Indonesia
- Visit by International Students from the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS), Kobe University
- Visit by a Presiding Judge of the Beijing Intellectual Property Court
- the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China
- 2015INTA Visit by Chairman of INTA
- Participation in the International Symposium Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Intellectual Property High Court
- 2015AIPLA Visit by the Delegation of the American Intellectual Property Law Association
- 2015WCO
- Meeting with English Solicitors
- The Centre for Intellectual Property & Information Law (CIPIL) at University of Cambridge, England
- Meeting with Prof. Sir Robin Jacob
- Meeting with the Hon. Mr. Justice Richard Arnold and Hon. Mr. Justice Colin Birss
- Seminar of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys
- 2015Fordham
- Stanford University
- 2015 US Bar
- IPO of China
- 2015 LESI
- Korean Patent Attorneys Association
- 2015CASRIP
- The University of St. Gallen
- 2015JAUIP
- International Trade Court of Thailand
- Mr. Guenter Schmitz of the German Patent
- . 2015 Judge from Germany
- Participation in the 2015 International IP Court Conference held in Korea
- 2015IPO
- Students from Thailand
- Visit by the Director of the Training Department of the Supreme Court of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and others
- Visit by Participants in 2015 Training Course on the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights under the WIPO Funds-in-Trust/JAPAN
- Visit by Members of the Department of State Law of the National People’s Congress of China
- Visit by Professor and Students of Northwestern Law School
- Visit by Presidents and Others of Foreign Patent Attorneys Associations
- Visit by Vietnam IP Leadership Training Program Participants
- Participation in International Conference of IP Scholars Asia at Singapore Management University (SMU)
- Visit by Director General Gurry of WIPO
- Visit by Prof. Dr. Peter Meier-Beck, Judge of German Federal Court of Justice
- Participation in Tokyo University of Science IP Forum 2016
- 2016 AIPLA
- 2016_WCO
- Visit by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India, and Others
- Visit by Indonesian Training Program Participants
- Participation in the 2016 International Conference on IP in Korea
- Visit to U.S. Law Firms
- Participation in Brazil Symposium at George Washington University
- Participation in U.S./Japan Symposium at CAFC
- Meeting with Lawyers in Germany
- Participation in Symposium at EPO
- Visit by Judge Matthias Zigann of Regional Court Munich of Germany
- Visit by Clerk of Civil Affairs Division of Supreme Court of Indonesia and Others
- Participation in INTA 2016 Annual Meeting
- Visit by JAUIP Seminar Participants
- Visit by Students of Master's Program in European and International Business Law at the University of St. Gallen
- Visit to Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) of Kyoto University
- Visit by Members of the Department of Economic Law and Others of the National People’s Congress of China
- Participation in International Conference held at Univercity of Washington,U.S-2
- Participation in 2016 International IP Court Conference in Korea
- Visit by Members of Directorate General of Intellectual Property of Indonesia
- Visit by Delegation from Chamber of Patent Attorneys (German Public Law Corporation) (Patentanwaltskammer)
- Participation in AIPPI World Congress in Milan
- Participation in Europe/Japan Mock Trial in Paris
- Visit by Trainees of Operational Patent Examination Training Program
- Visit to Cour de Cessation in France by Chief Judge of IP High Court
- Visit by Chairman of International Trademark Association, and Others
- Visit by Minister of Law and Human Right of Indonesia, and Others
- Visit to Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) of Kyoto University (second visit)
- Visit by Chief Judge of District Court of Indonesia and others
- Visit by Trainees of “Japan-Mexico Knowledge Co-Creation Program for the Strategic Global Partnership-Intellectual Property Rights[Short term]”
- Participation in International Conference in China (Shanghai)
- Participation in Symposium on Patent Litigation in Europe and Japan 2016
- Participation in Japan-China-Korea IP Symposium
- Visit by Presiding Judge Rho Tae-Ak, Seoul High Court of Korea
- Visit by Presidents and Others of Foreign Patent Attorneys Associations
- Visit by President of the Licensing Executives Society International and others to the IP High Court
- Scheduled Holding of International Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property(provisional name) 2017
- Visit by Foreign Students from Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (GSICS), Kobe University
- Visit by Participants in 2016 JPO/IPR Training Course
- Exchange of Views with Judges of Delhi High Court
- Participation in Workshop Held at State of Andhra Pradesh, India
- Scheduled Holding of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / TOKYO 2017
- IPEC Judge and CIPA President from Britain Visit IP High Court
- Visit by AIPPI President and Other Members
- Visit by WIPO Seminar Participants
- The holding of IP High Court Workshop
- Visit by AIPLA Representatives
- Visit by International Students under the WCO Scholarship Program
- Participation in the International Conference at Fordham University
- Meeting with Chief Judge Prost of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC)
- IP High Court Chief Judge’s Visit to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
- Visit to IP law firms in the U.S.
- Participation in 2017 INTA Annual Meeting
- Visit to the European Union Intellectual Property Office
- Visit by the President of LES International
- Visit by JICA/WIPO Trainees
- Participation in International Conference held at University of Washington, U.S.
- Visit by Participants in FY2017 JPO/IPR Training Course
- Visit by Participants of Nagoya University’s CALE Summer Seminar
- Visit by JICA Trainees in 2017
- Visit by Participants in St. Gallen University’s Executive Master of European and International Business Law Program
- Case of the Mock Trial for Day 1(Oct.30)of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/TOKYO 2017
- Participation in the 2017 International IP Court Conference in the Republic of Korea
- Visit by the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court of Vietnam
- Visit by Senior Judges of the United States Court of Appeals
- Visit by Collaborative Researchers from China
- Start of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / Tokyo 2017
- End of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / Tokyo 2017
- Visit by Judge O’Malley of CAFC and Judge Haase of Dusseldorf District Court
- Visit by Presiding Judge Hwan-Soo Kim from the Patent Court of Korea, and Other Guests
- Visit by U.S. Attorney(Adjunct Professor) James D. Stevens and one Other Guest
- Visit by US Bar Liaison Council Members
- Visit by Trainees of Japan-Mexico Knowledge Co-Creation Program for the Strategic Global Partnership- Intellectual Property Rights [Short term]
- Visit to JAXA Tsukuba Space Center
- Results of Mock Trials held in Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/Tokyo 2017 (non-password protected version posted)
- Lecture at theJapan-China Joint Seminar on IPR Enforcement
- Visit by Attorney at law Dirk Schuessler-Langeheine of Germany
- Visit by Legal Apprentices from France's Ecole National de la Magistrature
- Visit by International Students Studying at Kobe University Graduate Course
- Visit by Instructors of the Judicial Training Center of Indonesia
- Visit by a Legal trainee from Germany
- Lectures in Training Program in Japan for Knowledge Co-Creation Program with Indonesia for IP Litigation
- Visit by Stanford Law School Students
- Visit by JIPII Seminar Participants
- Scheduled Holding of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / TOKYO 2018
- Visit by a Delegation of the American Intellectual Property Law Association
- Participation in the 20th Anniversary International IP Law Symposium
- Visit by International Students under the WCO Scholarship Program
- Visit by IPOS Assistant Chief Executive and Other Delegation Members
- Participation in the INTA 2018 Annual Meeting
- Visit by AIPPI President and Members
- Announcement of newly translated judgment
- Visit by JICA/WIPO Trainees
- Visit by Participants of the Meiji University Law in Japan Program 2018
- Visit by Graduate Students of Keio University
- Visit by JICA Trainees in 2018
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Scheduled Holding of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / TOKYO 2018
- Visit by a Professor and Students from the Graduate School of Information Technology and Intellectual Property,Dankook University in Korea
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Visit by the members of the Boards of Appeal of EPO
- Visit by Professor Christoph Ann from Technical University of Munich
- Participation in International Symposium 2018 Held at German Patent and Trade Mark Office on Patent Litigations in Japan and Germany
- Visit by Judges from Germany, U.K. and U.S.
- Opening of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/Tokyo 2018
- Closing of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/Tokyo 2018
- 【JSIP】The slides and the interlocutory judgment are posted
- Participation in an International Conference held in Ottawa, Canada
- Visit by Judge Cho Jong Hyun of Goyang Branch of Uiejeongbu District Court of Korea
- Visit by Students of the University of Washington, U.S.A
- Visit by IPO Representatives from the U.S.
- Visit by lecturers for JETRO European IP Seminars
- Participation in the 2018 International IP Court Conference in the Republic of Korea
- Attendance at FICPI-JAPAN Osaka Symposium 2018
- Visit by the Delegation of the China Trademark Association
- Participation in the First Intellectual Property Judges Forum Held at WIPO Headquarters
- Visit by Attorneys from Germany, France, the U.K. and the U.S.
- Visit by Participants in 2018 JPO/IPR Training Course
- Visit by Judges from ASEAN Member Countries
- Participation in Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property
- Photos from the Japanese mock trial
- Photos from the German mock trial
- Photos from the French mock trial
- Photos from the UK mock trial
- Photos from the US mock trial
- Photos from the panel discussion
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Visit by Judges of Indonesia
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Visit by Legal Apprentices from France's Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature
- Visit by the Director of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of Indonesia and Other Officials
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Visit by Delegation from Nanjing Intermediate People’s Court
- Visit by Delegation from AIPLA
- Scheduled Holding of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / TOKYO 2019
- Three in One: Global Patent Trials, Held in New York
- Meeting with Chief Judge Prost of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC)
- IP High Court Chief Judge's Visit to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
- IP High Court Chief Judge's Visit to the United States International Trade Commission (USITC)
- IP High Court Chief Judge's Visit to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
- IP High Court Chief Judge's Visit to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY)
- Participation in International Conference at Fordham University
- Visit by a Delegation from the International Law Section of the State Bar of California
- Visit by a Delegation from Court of Justice of Kingdom of Thailand
- Visit by International Students under the WCO Scholarship Program
- Participation in the INTA 2019 Annual Meeting
- Visit by AIPPI President and Other Guests
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Attendance at the Munich International Patent Law Conference 2019 (June 28)
- Visit by Members of the Boards of Appeal of EPO (July 5)
- Visit by JICA/WIPO Trainees (July 8)
- Visit by Participants in the Meiji University Law in Japan Program 2019 (July 10)
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Visit by Judges of Indonesia (August 2)
- Visit by the Delegation of the China Trademark Association (September 30)
- Visit by Mr. Bernhard Schröder from the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (September 3)
- Attendance at the Global Series 2019 (October 14 to 16)
- Participation in the International IP Court Conference in the Republic of Korea (From October 16 to 18)
- Visit by JICA Trainees in 2019 (September 4)
- Visit by the Delegation of Padjadjaran University, Indonesia (October 18)
- Visit by a Long-term Trainee of the APIC-JIPII (September 13)
- Visit by Judges and Attorneys who speak in JSIP2019(September 24)
- Closing of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/Tokyo 2019
- Opening of Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/Tokyo 2019
- Photos from the mock trial of Australia
- Photos from the mock trial of China
- Photos from the mock trial of India
- Photos from the mock trial of Korea
- Photos from the mock trial of Japan
- Photos from the mock trial of Panel discussion
- 【JSIP2019】Slides presented in the mock trials and mock trial judgments are posted.
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Visit by Participants in 2019 JPO/IPR Training Course (November 19)
- Participation in the 2019 Intellectual Property Judges Forum Held at the WIPO Headquarters in Geneva (From November 13 to 15)
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Visit by US Bar Liaison Council Members (October 18)
- Visit by Professors and Students from the Graduate School of Information Technology and Intellectual Property, Dankook University, Korea (December 12)
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Visit by a Member of the Supreme Judicial Council of Armenia (January 22)
- Visit by Participants in 2019 JPO/IPR Training Course (February 4)
- Lecture for Indonesian Judges (February 6, at the Red-Brick Building of the Ministry of Justice)
- Visit by International Students Studying at the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University (February 12)
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Participation in the International IP Court Conference Hosted by the Patent Court of Korea(November 11 and 12)
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- The Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / Tokyo 2020 (JSIP2020)
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Lectures for International Students under the WCO Scholarship Program
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Important IP Judgment by Category
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Discussion Session with AIPLA
- The Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property/Tokyo 2021 (JSIP 2021)
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- JPO/IPR Training Course for Trial
- Update of Important IP Judgment by Category
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Participation in the International IP Court Conference hosted by the Patent Court of Korea
- Participation in 2021 WIPO Intellectual Property Judges Forum
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Update of Important IP Judgment by Category
- Update of IP Judgments Database
- Visit by a Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and others
- Visit by International Students under the WCO Scholarship Program
- Visit by the Acting Chief Justice of the High Court of Delhi and others
- Participation in the 2024 Annual Meeting of the International Trademark Association (INTA)
- Visit by Officers of the Licensing Executives Society Japan and the Licensing Executives Society China
- Visit by Judges from the Republic of Korea
- Participation in the International IP Court Conference Hosted by the IP High Court of Korea
- Participation in an International Symposium